Oiy, so much has happened lately that I don't know where to begin...
Maddie and I left on July 7th to go to Arkansas to visit my mom and to be out there for the wedding. Let me tell you that things were HECTIC beyond belief! I worked my butt off out there doing just about everything under the sun in preparation for the wedding.
On top of things being crazy, it was in the triple digits just about every day! Which is RETARDED, if you ask me. I am so sick of being hot.. >.<... Added into the heat was a heap of family drama. I can't even get into it because it's all so insane. It's like a friggin' Jerry Springer episode. For realz, ya'll.
But all in all everything turned out great. The wedding was beautiful and we were all glad for the stress of that to be over with.
On a happier note, I got a new car!!!!
Okay..not new new, but it's new to me. It's a '94 Ford Taurus and it sure is pretty!! I'm totally stoked about having a newer car. It drives soo much nicer than the Buick, sweet old boat that she is. I'm very grateful to my mom and grandparents for giving me this opportunity to have a newer car.
On a sad note, Jason's Granny passed away Monday night. It was really difficult, because we didn't find out until we'd gotten home from driving from Arkansas Tuesday night. This week has been a whirl wind of driving and preparations. Her funeral was Saturday, and it was very tough on all of us.
Trying to explain death to a three year old is not easy. I'm still not sure how much Maddie understood. It's a hard moment, because I don't really want her to understand, but at the same time, I know she needs to.
We simply told her that Granny had to go to live with Jesus. Its comforting to know that we have an eternal home, and that death isn't really goodbye, just see you later. We will miss Granny very much, but I'm so glad I got to know her while she was here. I'm glad Maddie got to know her. I know she's in a better place, and is watching over us.
School starts tomorrow...I'm excited but not. I wish I was closer to being done. I feel like I've barely done anything. I guess it's because my classes have been so sporadic. I'll be so happy when I'm done and can focus on my photography. Photography makes me so happy. I wish I could do it every day.
Well readers, that's my life in a nutshell. Thank you all for being with me, those who are. I'm planning on getting back into posting on here. Going to try for at least twice a week. :o)
God bless and sweet dreams!
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